As it is the last day of 2013 I thought it was time to make some New Years Resolutions, I rarely make resolutions as I know that I probably won't stick to them, so I've tried to be realistic and hopefully I will stick to them all here goes...
1. Be more motivated
2. Get into shape and lose weight
3. Smile more
4. Be more confident
5. Drink more water
6. Do more for others
7. Blog more
8. Enjoy life more
9. Keep my bedroom tidy
10. Work hard in my A Levels
As a little something extra I thought I would add in a Bucket List of things that I would like to achieve/do in 2014. *fingers crossed that these happen*
1. Visit London
2. Meet 5sos
3. Meet One Direction
4. Teach myself something new
5.See a shooting star
6. Go stargazing
7. Visit Paris
8. Meet my pen-pal from America (Caitlin)
9. Do something spontaneous
I hope you all have Happy New Year and I hope that you all achieve everything that you want to achieve, if you don't quite make it then don't give up, keep trying and you will!
What are your New Years Resolutions? What's on your Bucket List?
Let me know in a comment below
Until next time, Happy New Year Everyone